Whats new?
Whats new?- Getting back on the bandwagon!....
A fresh academic year has started! I've started my second year of a digital art diploma and I'm feeling waves of inspiration all over again. So its time to nurse this little baby blog of mine back into the public eye ;)
However to start of this blog post I thought I'd go back to basics a bit, I set this up to be a online portfolio / a space to show my work, and so far its worked amazingly. Its helped my brain to have a creative guide, and worked wonders when showing employers my work. But despite this I was rambling on for months all about different series ,forcing myself to sound like a professional blogger and posting content I didn't like and having no love towards it. I thought ......
Its time to change it up!
I'm going to be working on content such as, behind the scenes vlogs of shoots, travel videos, blog post explain my editing process and/or camera sets up for shots, and just generally the next steps in my photography journey! You can also now subscribe to my blog, which means you'll get an email update when new posts and content is put out! Lastly I have also launched a new look to my blog so the post will be a different format to before :)! (However this may have caused some faults in later posts, so bare with me whilst I fix that!!)
So here is a link to my YouTube page and Instagram you can check out in the mean time whilst I get busy writing blog posts for all you lovely people to read :) xxx
Youtube= Katie Almond
Instagram= @k0tie_
(Here's some photos I took on my first week back at college for a fantasy styled photoshoot that I will write about sooooooon! )
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